Indexing Packet Capture Files (PCAP) with YAF

This tutorial describes how to use YAF's features that support use of packet capture (PCAP) files. It will discuss the various approaches to indexing PCAP and isolating PCAP for a particular flow. This tutorial makes use of two additional tools that are installed with YAF, yafMeta2Pcap and getFlowKeyHash. A companion tutorial, Rolling Packet Capture (PCAP) Export with YAF, will discuss how to enable YAF to create a rolling buffer of PCAPs and index the PCAPs by flows. Both tutorials assume you are using the most recent release of YAF.

These features allow YAF to support a variety of analyses that move from analysis of network flow records and drill down into the packets that are generated from those flows. Specific packet-by-packet detail provides more evidence and more surety of analysis results. Starting from network flow records allows the analyst to more closely focus the examination of packets, and to improve the efficiency of analysis. In some cases, the packet analysis may yield further conditions to pull other network flow records, completing an iterative cycle.

The sections of this tutorial include:

The following sections show several options for the same analysis task, isolating packets corresponding to a specific Yahoo Messenger interaction. This multiplicity of options emphasize the flexibility of the NetSA tool suite, which provides the analyst several possible choices of tools to use, depending on their tasking and their analysis environment.


Often analysis of very large PCAP files can be difficult due to lack of tools for effectively reading and slicing large PCAP files. YAF provides a couple options for performing analysis over one or more large PCAP files. Additionally, these features can be used on live traffic. However, the pcap-per-flow option is not recommended for networks with high data speeds.

The following tutorial uses YAF and the tools that are installed with YAF. It also uses SiLK for some basic flow analysis. In addition, this example uses capinfos, a program installed with Wireshark, that provides statistics of PCAP files.

Note: YAF must be configured with application labeling in order to perform the analysis described below. However, application labeling is not essential for packet operations.

Single Large PCAP Example

Let's assume we have one large PCAP that we would like to analyze. First, we create flow records by yaf from the PCAP file /data/big.pcap, with additional parameters that add application labeling, avoid packet truncation by employing a generous packet size restriction, and output records compatible with SiLK conversion onto standard output, which pass to rwipfix2silk to generate the restricted record format used by SiLK, including VLAN tags, into the file /tmp/

$ yaf --in=/data/big.pcap --out=- \
          --applabel --max-payload=1500 --silk \
      | rwipfix2silk --silk-output=/tmp/ \

In this example, we are examining Yahoo messaging traffic in the flow data we created. The following example uses rwstats, a tool for summarizing SiLK flow records and sorting the results, to view the top 20 application protocols used in the flow file, finding that about 97% of the flow records are DNS (53), unlabeled (0), or web (80, 443), but there are a tiny component that are Yahoo messaging (5050):

$ rwstats --fields=application --top --count=20 /tmp/
INPUT: 64510 Records for 24 Bins and 64510 Total Records
OUTPUT: Top 20 Bins by Records
appli|   Records|  %Records|   cumul_%|
   53|     27302| 42.322121| 42.322121|
    0|     24383| 37.797241| 80.119361|
   80|      5675|  8.797086| 88.916447|
  443|      5416|  8.395598| 97.312045|
  137|       778|  1.206015| 98.518059|
  161|       391|  0.606108| 99.124167|
   67|       344|  0.533251| 99.657417|
   22|        42|  0.065106| 99.722524|
 2223|        30|  0.046504| 99.769028|
 5222|        24|  0.037204| 99.806232|
 5004|        21|  0.032553| 99.838785|
 5190|        18|  0.027903| 99.866687|
  143|        14|  0.021702| 99.888389|
  902|        12|  0.018602| 99.906991|
   25|        12|  0.018602| 99.925593|
 1723|        12|  0.018602| 99.944195|
  194|        12|  0.018602| 99.962796|
  110|         6|  0.009301| 99.972097|
 1863|         4|  0.006201| 99.978298|
 5050|         4|  0.006201| 99.984499|

Let us focus on the 4 records labeled as application 5050, Yahoo Messenger. A list of application labels can be found on the applabel man page. The packet-level analysis of this traffic is not included in this tutorial, but only the process of isolating the packets corresponding to two of these flow records.

We'll use SiLK's rwfilter and rwcut tools to show more details about the flows labeled as 5050, details needed to isolate the packets. rwfilter selects these flow records, while rwcut translates the flow record to human-readable format, printing the flow key fields (1-5), the count of packets per flow, the start time, and the VLAN tag.

$ rwfilter --application=5050 --pass-dest=stdout /tmp/ \
      | rwcut --fields=1-5,packets,stime,in
          sIP|          dIP|sPort|dPort|pro|packets|                  sTime| in|||50997| 5050|  6|     23|2011/01/28T21:53:05.607|900||| 5050|50997|  6|     18|2011/01/28T21:53:05.685|900|||51094| 5050|  6|     29|2011/01/28T21:53:26.219|900||| 5050|51094|  6|     24|2011/01/28T21:53:26.296|900|

rwfilter returns the 4 flow records, or 2 bidirectional flow (biflow) records. We will look at the first biflow and would like to perform a deeper analysis of this particular flow by looking at the 41 packets corresponding to this biflow in the PCAP file.

There are four ways to isolate these packets using YAF and related tools:

  1. Indexing with Capture Meta File - using several tools but often producing faster response

  2. Using getFlowKeyHash and YAF - not as fast as the first, but using fewer tools

  3. Using a Berkeley Packet Filter - using YAF only, but producing results that may not be precise

  4. Using the pcap-per-flow option - working with each packet individually, which is often much slower

Indexing the PCAP file using the Capture Meta File

The first way is to index the PCAP file using the capture meta file created by yaf. This file holds a hash of the flow key information elements from each packet, the flow start time in milliseconds since the epoch, and the PCAP file name. It is generated by yaf using the --pcap-meta-file parameter, as in the following command. In this command, we use the --no-output parameter because we are only interested in the capture meta file. We use the --index-pcap parameter to generate a meta file entry for each packet, rather than the default which is for each flow. We also use the --verbose parameter to print messages describing yaf's processing of the packets.

$ yaf --in=/data/big.pcap                  \
      --no-output --index-pcap             \
      --pcap-meta-file=/tmp/yaf_ --verbose
[2014-12-23 14:16:00] yaf starting
[2014-12-23 14:16:00] Reading packets from /data/big.pcap
[2014-12-23 14:16:00] Opening Pcap Meta File /tmp/yaf_20141223141600_00000.meta
[2014-12-23 14:16:07] Processed 5921725 packets into 42096 flows:
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   Mean flow rate 6688.29/s.
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   Mean packet rate 940854.79/s.
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   Virtual bandwidth 3366.3978 Mbps.
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   Maximum flow table size 10742.
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   181 flush events.
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   19580 asymmetric/unidirectional flows detected (46.51%)
[2014-12-23 14:16:07] YAF read 6140871 total packets
[2014-12-23 14:16:07] Assembled 33328 fragments into 15414 packets:
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   Expired 552 incomplete fragmented packets. (0.01%)
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   Maximum fragment table size 41.
[2014-12-23 14:16:07] Rejected 201232 packets during decode: (3.17%)
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]   201232 due to unsupported/rejected packet type: (3.17%)
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]     201232 unsupported/rejected Layer 3 headers. (3.17%)
[2014-12-23 14:16:07]     196465 ARP packets. (3.10%)
[2014-12-23 14:16:07] yaf Exported 1 stats records.
[2014-12-23 14:16:07] yaf terminating
$ wc -l /tmp/yaf_20141223141600_00000.meta
 5922318 /tmp/yaf_20141223141600_00000.meta

You can see from the wc output compared to yaf's message reporting "Processed 5921725 packets into 42096 flows" that the PCAP metadata file contains at least one line for each packet in the PCAP file. The additional lines are to speed up processing of this file. We will need the flow key hash and the start time in milliseconds for the flow we are interested in, which is provided to us by the getFlowKeyHash tool. The flow key hash is used by YAF as a unique identifier for a flow. The flow key hash is a hash of the 5-tuple (source and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, and transport protocol) and the VLAN tag. For this example, this is why we used the --interface-values option with rwipfix2silk when the SiLK format flows were generated as above. If your PCAP does not contain VLAN tags, then it is not necessary.

We could list the flow information from the rwcut output on the command line for getFlowKeyHash:

$ getFlowKeyHash --sip4= --dip4= \
          --sport=50997 --dport=5050 \
          --protocol=6 --vlan=900 \
          --date=2011-01-28 --time=21:53:05.607
        sIP|          dIP|sPort|dPort|pro|vlan|      hash|            ms||50997| 5050|  6| 900|2549564224| 1296251585607
FILE PATH: 607/2549564224-201112821535_0.pcap

Since we have the flow file already, we can alternatively pipe rwfilter output to rwsilk2ipfix with getFlowKeyHash. rwsilk2ipfix converts a stream of SiLK flow records (the output of rwfilter) to IPFIX flow records (the input of getFlowKeyHash).

$ rwfilter --application=5050 --pass-dest=stdout /tmp/ \
      | rwsilk2ipfix \
      | getFlowKeyHash
          sIP|          dIP|sPort|dPort|pro| vlan|      hash|            ms||50997| 5050|  6|  900|2549564224| 1296251585607|| 5050|50997|  6|  900|1131976655| 1296251585607||51094| 5050|  6|  900|2538881818| 1296251606219|| 5050|51094|  6|  900|1131976502| 1296251606219

To match the packet metadata, we need the "hash" and "ms" values. The FILE PATH will be used in the fourth approach.

Using the key hash, milliseconds, along with the original PCAP, and the PCAP metadata file, the yafMeta2Pcap tool will create the PCAP we are looking for:

$ yafMeta2Pcap --pcap=/data/big.pcap \
          --pcap-meta-file=/tmp/yaf_20141223141600_00000.meta \
          --out=/tmp/YMSG.pcap \
          --hash=2549564224 \
          --time=1296251585607 --verbose
Looking for hash: 2549564224 at start time: 1296251585607
Opening PCAP Meta File: /tmp/yaf_20141223141600_00000.meta
Opening PCAP File /data/big.pcap
Opening output file /tmp/YMSG.pcap
Found 41 packets that match criteria.
$ capinfos -c /tmp/YMSG.pcap
File name:           /tmp/YMSG.pcap
Number of packets:   41

You can do this in a single step by sending the output of getFlowKeyHash directly to yafMeta2Pcap, using the --ipfix parameter so that getFlowKeyHash provides the input format expected by yafMeta2Pcap:

$ rwfilter --application=5050 --pass-dest=stdout /tmp/ \
      | rwsilk2ipfix \
      | getFlowKeyHash --ipfix \
      | yafMeta2Pcap --pcap=/data/big.pcap \
            --pcap-meta-file=/tmp/yaf_meta_pcap.txt \
Looking for hash: 2549564224 at start time: 1296251585607
Opening PCAP Meta File: /tmp/yaf_20141223141600_00000.meta
Opening PCAP File: /data/big.pcap
Opening output PCAP file /tmp/YMSG.pcap
Found 41 packets that match criteria

Using getFlowKeyHash and YAF

The second approach for pulling the packets is to calculate the flow key hash using getFlowKeyHash and generate a PCAP file with YAF for only the flow you are searching for. This approach works well if you know which PCAP file the flow is contained in. Assuming we have already run YAF and rwipfix2silk, we can search for a particular flow using rwfilter and pipe it to getFlowKeyHash to generate the hash for the particular flow:

$ rwfilter --application=5050 --pass-dest=stdout /tmp/ \
           | rwsilk2ipfix | getFlowKeyHash
            sIP|            dIP|sPort|dPort|pro| vlan|      hash|                  ms||50997| 5050|  6|  900|2549564224|       1296251585607|| 5050|50997|  6|  900|1131976655|       1296251585607||51094| 5050|  6|  900|2538881818|       1296251606219|| 5050|51094|  6|  900|1131976502|       1296251606219

Now that we have the flow key hash and start time, we can run yaf as follows:

$ yaf --in=/data/big.pcap --no-output --pcap=/tmp/YMSG.pcap \
      --hash=2549564224 --stime=1296251585607 --max-payload=2000
$ capinfos -c /tmp/YMSG.pcap
File name:           /tmp/YMSG.pcap
Number of packets:   41

The --max-payload option is required for this approach and it should be set to something larger than the typical MTU to ensure you get the full packet. You can think of max-payload as snaplen. If you set it to something small, all your packets will be truncated to that length, but large values will not introduce padding beyond the actual packet length.

Using a BPF Filter

The third approach is to use a Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) language filter. The BPF language is large, and sometimes it can be a bit difficult to format the filter string correctly (especially when there are VLAN tags). The filter string may not weed out all of the data we don't want. While the BPF language lacks time primitives, the following filter string should suffice:

$ yaf --in=/data/big.pcap --out=/tmp/5050.yaf --pcap=/tmp/YMSG_ \
      --filter="port 50997 or (vlan and port 50997) and host" \
[2014-01-27 20:46:44] yaf starting
[2014-01-27 20:46:44] Reading packets from /data/big.pcap
[2014-01-27 20:46:46] Processed 44 packets into 4 flows:
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   Mean flow rate 2.20/s.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   Mean packet rate 24.21/s.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   Virtual bandwidth 0.0292 Mbps.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   Maximum flow table size 1.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   3 flush events.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   3 asymmetric/unidirectional flows detected
[2014-01-27 20:46:46] Assembled 0 fragments into 0 packets:
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   Expired 0 incomplete fragmented packets.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46]   Maximum fragment table size 0.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46] yaf Exported 1 stats records.
[2014-01-27 20:46:46] yaf terminating

As you can see, YAF generated 4 flows from 44 packets matching the filter string. You could use yafscii to view the flows:

$ yafscii --in=/tmp/5050.yaf --out=stdout
2011-01-28 21:53:05.607 - 21:53:27.568 (21.961 sec) tcp => 452bc00b:65e6c66b S/APRS:AS/APSF vlan 384:384 (23/3250 <-> 18/3264) rtt 78 ms
2011-01-28 21:53:27.568 tcp => 452bc409 R/0 vlan 384 (1/40 ->)
2011-01-28 21:53:27.688 tcp => 452bc409 R/0 vlan 384 (1/40 ->)
2011-01-28 21:53:27.688 tcp => 452bc409 R/0 vlan 384 (1/40 ->)
$ capinfos -c /tmp/YMSG_20140127204003_00000.pcap
File name:           /tmp/YMSG_20140127204003_00000.pcap
Number of packets:   44

Using the filter string with YAF captured 3 extra packets that were not technically apart of this flow. However, now that we have a smaller PCAP, we can use Wireshark or a similar tool to view the payload and perform a deeper analysis of the data. You could also use the filter string and the --pcap-per-flow option (described in the following section) to ensure you only get the packets associated with a flow.

Using pcap-per-flow

The fourth way to isolate packets is to use the --pcap-per-flow parameter to yaf. The --pcap-per-flow parameter will cause yaf to create at least one PCAP file for each flow in the input PCAP file. It is not advisable to use this option in cases where many flows are present (which is most often), but when combined with other options (such as a filter string) to restrict the number of PCAP files generated, it is useful.

First create a temporary directory to place all the small PCAP files, to prevent YAF from turning off PCAP export, and then run YAF as follows:

$ mkdir /tmp/pcap
$ yaf --in=/data/big.pcap --out=/tmp/5050.yaf \
          --pcap=/tmp/pcap --pcap-per-flow \
          --max-payload=2000 --verbose

The --max-payload parameter is required with the --pcap-per-flow parameter and it should be set to something larger than the typical MTU to ensure you get the full packet. You can think of max-payload as snaplen. If you set it to something small, all your packets will be truncated to that length. Use of --pcap-per-flow causes the argument to the --pcap parameter to be interpreted as a directory, rather than a filename prefix.

In /tmp/pcap you will see a large amount (depending on how large and diverse your PCAP file is) of file directories that are 3 digit numbers. YAF uses the last three digits of the start time (in milliseconds) as the file directory, and the flow key hash, start time, and serial number (to prevent clashing file names) as the filename. Depending on how large the flow is, YAF may have created multiple PCAP files for that flow. The default size is 25 MB, and can be modified by using the --max-pcap parameter to yaf.

To quickly determine which PCAP corresponds to the Yahoo messaging flow, we can use the getFlowKeyHash program again:

$ getFlowKeyHash --sip4= --dip4= \
          --sport=50997 --dport=5050 --protocol=6 --vlan=900 \
          --date=2011-01-28 --time=21:53:05.607
            sIP|            dIP|sPort|dPort|pro| vlan|      hash|                  ms||50997| 5050|  6|  900|2549564224|       1296251585607
FILE PATH: 607/2549564224-201112821535_0.pcap

The last line of the output provides the file path to the PCAP file:

$ capinfos -c /tmp/pcap/607/2549564224-20110128215305_0.pcap
File name:           /tmp/pcap/607/2549564224-20110128215305_0.pcap
Number of packets:   41

Multiple Input Files

This tutorial has presented four different ways to slice a large, single PCAP for a given flow. This same process can be used over multiple PCAP files as well. Often PCAP is captured using tcpdump, rolling files when they reach a particular size or for a given time period. YAF can read multiple files at a time. You could run YAF on each PCAP file, but flows will be closed each time YAF finishes reading a file. It is best to use the --caplist option with YAF so that it uses the same flow table to process all the PCAPs. When providing the --caplist option to YAF, the argument to --in must be an ordered, newline-delimited list of pathnames to the PCAP files. Blank lines and lines beginning with the character # are ignored. The files must be listed in ascending time order, as YAF rejects out-of-order packets.

$ ls -d -1 -rt /tmp/pcap/*.* > /tmp/yaf_cap_file.txt
$ cat /tmp/yaf_cap_file.txt
$ yaf --in=/tmp/yaf_cap_file.txt --caplist \
          --noerror --no-output \

Processing multiple files often will use the --noerror parameter, which will ensure that YAF continues to process the files even if it runs into an error with one of the PCAP files. Sometimes there can be a truncated packet at the end of a PCAP.

Note: The PCAP metadata file will rotate if it reaches the maximum file size for your operating system.

The yafMeta2Pcap program can take the same caplist file used as the argument to --in for YAF.

$ yafMeta2Pcap --caplist=/tmp/yaf_cap_file.txt \
          --pcap-meta-file=/tmp/yaf_meta_pcap.txt \
          --out=/tmp/YMSG.pcap --hash=2549564224 \

Note: yafMeta2Pcap will only open the PCAP files that contain the flow of interest.

Next: Rolling Packet Capture (PCAP) Export with YAF