yaf.init - YAF configuration file


The yaf(1) configuration file is an alternative to running yaf with command line options. The YAF configuration file is written in the Lua language (, and this file may be specified on the yaf command line with the --config option. A template file is provided in /usr/local/share/yaf/yaf.init; the file should be copied and customized for your needs.


The syntax of the configuration file is explained by examples.

Annotated configuration file

-- This is a comment.
-- Anything not marked as Required is optional.

-- The only required variables are "input" and "output".
-- All other variables are optional.

The template configuration file must be customized by the user, and to ensure that happens, the tmeplate file raises an error. You must delete the error when you customize the file.

-- Remove these lines when you customize this file
error [[You are attempting to use yaf.init without customizing it.
You must remove the error statement from the beginning of the file.]]

Specify the input.

-- A variable named "input" is required; its value must be a table.
-- It specifies the input to yaf.

This example has yaf read PCAP data from an interface.

input = {

   -- The input table must have a key named "type". The default
   -- input "type" is "file".  Valid values are "pcap", "dag",
   -- "napatech", "netronome", "pfring", "zc", "file", and "caplist".


   -- In "pcap", "dag", "napatech", "netronome", "pfring", and "zc",
   -- a "inf" field is required.  Its value is the name of the interface
   -- that yaf will read. In the "zc" case, it is the cluster ID
   -- that yaf should listen to.

   -- Optional parameters for all input types
   -- are "export_interface" and "force_read_all".
   -- Both options expect boolean values "true" and "false".


This example has yaf read PCAP data from a file.

input = {

   type = "file",

   -- If type is "file", a "file" is expected with the
   -- full path to the PCAP file.

This example has yaf read PCAP data from the standard input. The type does not need to be specified since "file" is the default.

-- Use a file name of "-" to read from stdin.
input = {file = "-"}

This example has yaf read PCAP data from a list of files.

input = {
   type = "caplist",

  -- If type is "caplist", a "file" is expected which is
  -- the full path to a text file that contains a list
  -- of PCAP files in the order that they will be processed.
   file = "/data/pcapfile.txt",

  -- An optional parameter to "caplist" types, is "noerror"
  -- which expects a boolean value (true/false). If true,
  -- yaf will continue to process the list if it encounters
  -- an error in a PCAP file.
  noerror = true}

Specify the output.

-- A variable named "output" is required; its value must be a table.
-- It specifies the output of yaf.

This example has yaf write to a TCP socket.

output = {
  -- The host where an IPFIX collector is listening
  host = "localhost",

  -- The port where the IPFIX collector is listening. The value to "port"
  -- must be in quotation marks.

  port = "18000",

  -- Acceptable protocol types are "tcp", "udp", and "sctp".
  -- If protocol is "udp", the optional "udp_temp_timeout" key is
  -- also available.
  protocol = "tcp"}

This example has yaf write to an IPFIX file that rotates every 200 seconds. The output file will be locked until yaf has closed the file.

output = {
  file = "/data/yaffile.yaf",

  rotate = 200,

  lock = true}

This example has yaf write IPFIX data to the standard output.

-- Use a file name of "-" to write to stdout.
output = {file = "-"}

The behavor of the packet decoder may be customized.

-- The "decode" variable is optional. If defined, its value must
-- be a table. All keywords within the "decode" variable expect
-- a boolean value (true/false).
-- By default, all of the below features are turned off.
decode = {
   -- If the "gre" variable is set to "true", gre decoding will be enabled.
   gre = false,

   -- If the "ip4_only" variable is set to "true", yaf will only
   -- process IPv4 flows.
   ip4_only = false,

   -- If the "ip6_only" variable is set to "true", yaf will only
   -- process Ipv6 flows.
   ip6_only = false,

   -- If the "nofrag" variable is set to "true", yaf will not
   -- process fragmented packets.
   nofrag = false}

Flow settings modify the data exported by yaf.

-- The "export" variable is optional. Its value must be a table.
-- All keywords within the "export" variable
-- expect a boolean response (true/false).
export = {
   -- See the related options in the yaf man page.
   silk = true,
   uniflow = true,
   force_ip6 = false,
   flow_stats = true,
   delta = false,
   mac = true }

To control yaf's logging, define this table:

-- The "log" variable is optional. Its value must be a table.
log = {
   -- The "spec" keyword may be set to a syslog facility name,
   -- stderr, or the absolute path to a file for file logging.
   -- Default is stderr.
   spec = "/var/log/yaf/yaf.log",

   -- The "level" keyword specifies how much to log. The accepted
   -- values are "quiet", "error", "critical", "warning", "message",
   -- and "debug". Default is "warning".
   level = "debug"}

To specify the plugins that yaf loads:

-- The plugin variable is optional. Its value must be a table of tables.
-- See the yafdhcp man page for the plugin that
-- is provided with yaf.

-- To make configuration easier, specify Lua variables that hold
-- the information for each plugin.
--      -- The "name" keyword specifies the full path to the plugin
--      -- library name to load.
--      name = "/usr/local/lib/yaf/",
--      -- The "options" keyword specifies the arguments given to the
--      -- plugin, if any.
--      options = "53",
--      -- The "conf" keyword specifies the path to a configuration
--      -- file to be given to the plugin, if any.
--      conf = "/usr/local/etc/sample.conf"}

-- For the dhcp plugin, only the name is needed.
DHCP_PLUGIN = {name = "/usr/local/lib/yaf/"}

plugin = {DHCP_PLUGIN}

To configure yaf's storage of PCAP data in local files:

-- The pcap variable is optional.  Its value must be a table.
-- See the yaf man page for more information on yaf's PCAP capabilities.
pcap = {
   -- The "path" keyword specifies where yaf will write PCAP files.
   path = "/data/pcap/yafpcap",

   -- The "maxpcap" keyword specifies the maximum file size of a yaf PCAP file.
   maxpcap = 100,

   -- The "pcap_timer" keyword specifies how often the PCAP file
   -- should be rotated.
   pcap_timer = 300,

   -- The "meta" keyword specifies where to write PCAP meta information.
   meta = "/data/meta/yafmeta"}

The following keywords are optional variables. See the yaf man page for more information.

-- idle_timeout = IDLE_TIMEOUT (integer)
-- Set flow idle timeout in seconds.  Default is 300 seconds (5 min)
-- Setting IDLE_TIMEOUT to 0 creates a flow for each packet.

idle_timeout = 300

-- active_timeout = ACTIVE_TIMEOUT (integer)
-- Set flow active timeout in seconds.  Default is 1800 seconds (30 min)

active_timeout = 1800

-- filter = BPF_FILTER
-- Set Berkeley Packet Filtering (BPF) in YAF with BPF_FILTER.

filter = "port 53"

-- Turn on application labeling by setting applabel = true
-- Turn on deep packet inspection by setting dpi = true
-- Read the application labeler/DPI rules file from dpi_rules=
-- If dpi_rules is not set, yaf uses the default location

applabel = true
dpi = true
-- dpi_rules = "/usr/local/etc/yafDPIRules.conf"

-- maxpayload = PAYLOAD_OCTETS (integer)
-- Capture at most PAYLOAD_OCTETS octets from the start of each direction
-- of each flow.  Default is 0.

maxpayload = 1024

-- maxexport = MAX_PAY_OCTETS (integer)
-- Export at most MAX_PAY_OCTETS octets from the start of each direction
-- of each flow from the PAYLOAD_OCTETS given to maxpayload.
-- Default is PAYLOAD_OCTETS if export_payload=true

maxexport = maxpayload

-- export_payload = true/false
-- If true, export at most PAYLOAD_OCTETS or MAX_PAY_OCTETS given to
-- maxpayload or maxexport for each direction of the flow. Default is false.

export_payload = false

-- export_payload_applabels = {INTEGER, INTEGER, ...}
-- If set, payload export is enabled (as with export_payload) but only
-- for the silkAppLabel values in the list.  The value must be a list of
-- integers between 0 and 65535 inclusive.  Default is not set.

-- export_payload_applabels = { }

-- udp_payload = true/false
-- If true, capture at most PAYLOAD_OCTETS octets from the start of
-- each UDP flow, where PAYLOAD_OCTETS is set using the maxpayload option

udp_payload = true

-- stats = INTERVAL (integer)
-- If present, yaf will export process statistics every INTERVAL seconds.
-- If stats is set to 0, no stats records will be exported.
-- default is 300

stats = 300

-- no_tombstone = true/false
-- If true, tombstone records will not be sent.
-- default is false (that is, to export tombstone records).

-- no_tombstone =

-- tombstone_configured_id = TOMBSTONE_IDENTIFIER (integer)
-- Set the configured identifier for tombstone records generated by YAF.
-- default is 0

-- tombstone_configured_id =

-- no_element_metadata = true/false
-- If true, element metadata (RFC5610 records) will not be sent.
-- default is false (that is, to export the RFC5610 records).

-- no_element_metadata =

-- no_template_metadata = true/false
-- If true, template metadata (name, description, other information) will
-- not be sent
-- default is false (that is, to export template metadata).

-- no_template_metadata =

-- ingress = ingressInterface (integer)
-- egress = egressInterface (integer)
-- use the above options to manually set the ingressInterface or
-- egressInterface in the exported flow record. Default is 0.

ingress = 0
egress = 0

-- obdomain = DOMAIN_ID (integer)
-- Set the othe observationDomainID on each exported IPFIX message to
-- DOMAIN_ID.  Default is 0.

obdomain = 0

-- maxflows = FLOW_TABLE_MAX (integer)
-- Limit the number of open flows to FLOW_TABLE_MAX. Default is no limit.

-- maxflows =

-- maxfrags = FRAG_TABLE_MAX (integer)
-- Limit the number of fragments to FRAG_TABLE_MAX. Default is no limit.

-- maxfrags =

-- udp_uniflow = PORT (integer)
-- If set, export each UDP packet on the given PORT (or 1 for all ports)
-- as a single flow. Default is 0 (off).
udp_uniflow = 0

-- Turn on entropy output by setting entropy = true
entropy = true

The following options configure the passive OS fingerprinting capabilities in yaf. The capability must be enabled when yaf is built.

-- p0fprint = true/false
-- p0f_fingerprints = "/usr/local/etc/p0f.fp"
-- fpexport = true/false
-- See the yaf man page for more information. YAF must be configured
-- appropriately to use the following options.

-- p0fprint = true
-- fpexport = true
-- p0f_fingerprints = "/usr/local/etc/p0f.fp"

The following options configure support for the nDPI application labeler. This capabliity must be configured when yaf is built.

-- ndpi = true/false
-- ndpi_proto_file = "PATH"
-- See the yaf man page for more information. YAF must be configured
-- appropriately to use the following options.
-- ndpi = true
-- ndpi_proto_file = "LOCATION"


Emily Sarneso and the CERT Engineering Team.


yaf(1), yafdpi(1), yafdhcp(1), applabel(1)