rwpmapcat - Print each range and label present in a prefix map file


rwpmapcat [--output-types={mapname | type | ranges | labels}]
      [--ignore-label=LABEL] [--ip-label-to-ignore=IP_ADDRESS]
      [--left-justify-labels] [--no-cidr-blocks]
      [--ip-format=FORMAT] [--integer-ips] [--zero-pad-ips]
      [--no-titles] [--no-columns] [--column-separator=C]
      [--no-final-delimiter] [{--delimited | --delimited=C}]
      [--output-path=PATH] [--pager=PAGER_PROG]
      [ { --map-file=PMAP_FILE | PMAP_FILE
          | --address-types | --address-types=MAP_FILE
          | --country-codes | --country-codes=MAP_FILE } ]

rwpmapcat --help

rwpmapcat --version


rwpmapcat reads a prefix map file created by rwpmapbuild(1) or rwgeoip2ccmap(1) and prints its contents.

By default, rwpmapcat prints the range/label pairs that exist in the prefix map. Use the --output-types switch to print additional information or information other than the range/label pairs.

When printing the range/label pairs of a prefix map file that contain IP address data, rwpmapcat defaults to printing the range as an address block in CIDR notation and the label associated with that block. To print the ranges as a starting address and ending address, specify the --no-cidr-blocks switch.

If the prefix map file contains protocol/port pairs, rwpmapcat prints three fields: the starting protocol and port separated by a slash (/), the ending protocol and port, and the label.

The printing of ranges having a specific label may be suppressed with the --ignore-label switch. To have rwpmapcat to look up a label based on an IP address and then ignore all entries with that label, pass the IP address to the --ip-label-to-ignore switch.

To print the contents of an arbitrary prefix map file, one may pipe the file to rwpmapcat's standard input, name the file as the argument to the --map-file switch, or name the file on the command line.

To print the contents of the default country codes mapping file (see ccfilter(3)), specify the --country-codes switch with no argument. To print the contents of a specific country codes mapping file, name that file as the argument to the --country-codes switch.

For printing the address types mapping file (see addrtype(3)), use the --address-types switch which works similarly to the --country-codes switch.


Option names may be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique or is an exact match for an option. A parameter to an option may be specified as --arg=param or --arg param, though the first form is required for options that take optional parameters.

Many of options are ignored unless rwpmapcat is printing the range/label pairs present in the prefix map file.


Specify the path of the prefix map file to print. If this switch is omitted and neither --country-codes nor --address-types is specified, the name of the file to be read is taken as the first non-switch command-line argument. If no argument is given, rwpmapcat attempts to read the map from the standard input.


Print the contents of the address types mapping file (addrtype(3)) specified by the SILK_ADDRESS_TYPES environment variable, or in the default address types mapping file if that environment variable is not set. This switch may not be combined with the --map-file or --country-codes switches.


Print the contents of the address types mapping file specified by ADDRTYPE_FILE.


Print the contents of the country code mapping file (ccfilter(3)) specified by the SILK_COUNTRY_CODES environment variable, or in the default country code mapping file if that environment variable is not set. This switch may not be combined with the --map-file or --address-types switches.


Print the contents of the country code mapping file specified by COUNTRY_CODE_FILE.

--output-types={type | mapname | label | ranges}

Specify the type(s) of output to produce. When this switch is not provided, the default is to print ranges. Specify multiple types as a comma separated list of names; regardless of the order in which the types are given, the output will appear in the order shown below. Country-code prefix map files only support the ranges output type. A type can be specified using the shortest unique prefix for the type. The available types are:


Print the type of this prefix map file. The value will be one of IPv4-address, IPv6-address, or proto-port. The type will be preceded by the string TYPE: and a space character unless --no-titles is specified.


Print the name that is stored in the prefix map file. This mapname is used to generate switch names and field names when this prefix map is used with rwfilter(1), rwcut(1), rwgroup(1), rwsort(1), rwstats(1), and rwuniq(1). See pmapfilter(3) for details. The mapname will be preceded by the string MAPNAME: and a space character unless --no-titles is specified.


Print the names of the labels that exist in the prefix map file. The labels are printed left-justified, one per line, with no delimiter. The labels will be preceded by LABELS: on its own line unless --no-titles is specified. If ranges is also specified, a blank line will separate the labels and the range/label columns.


Print the range and label for each block in the prefix map file. If the prefix map contains protocol/port pairs, the output will contain three columns (startPair, endPair, label), where startPair and endPair contain protocol/port. If the prefix map contains IP addresses, the form of the output will depend on whether --no-cidr-blocks is specified. When it is not specified, the output will contain two columns (ipBlock, label), where ipBlock contains the IP range in CIDR notation. If --no-cidr-blocks is specified, the output will contain three columns: startIP, endIP, label.


For the ranges output-type, do not print entries whose label is LABEL. By default, all entries in the prefix map file are printed.


For the ranges output-type, find the label associated with the IP address IP_ADDRESS and ignore all ranges that match that label. By default, all entries in the prefix map are printed.


For the ranges output-type, left-justify the labels when columnar output is printed. Normally, the labels are right-justified.


Cause each IP address block to be printed as a starting and ending IP address. By default, IP addresses are grouped into CIDR blocks. This switch is ignored for prefix map files containing protocol/port pairs.


Specify how IP addresses are printed, where FORMAT is a comma-separated list of the arguments described below. This switch is ignored for prefix map files containing protocol/port pairs. When this switch is not specified, the SILK_IP_FORMAT environment variable is checked for a value and that format is used if it is valid. The default FORMAT is canonical according to whether the prefix map file is IPv4 or IPv6. Since SiLK 3.7.0.


Print IP addresses in the canonical format. For an IPv4 prefix map, use dot-separated decimal ( For an IPv6 prefix map, use colon-separated hexadecimal (2001:db8::1) or a mixed IPv4-IPv6 representation for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses (the ::ffff:0:0/96 netblock, e.g., ::ffff: and IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses (the ::/96 netblock other than ::/127, e.g., ::


Print IP addresses in the canonical format ( or 2001:db8::1) but do not used the mixed IPv4-IPv6 representations. For example, use ::ffff:c000:201 instead of ::ffff: Since SiLK 3.17.0.


Print IP addresses as integers in decimal format. For example, print and 2001:db8::1 as 3221225985 and 42540766411282592856903984951653826561, respectively.


Print IP addresses as integers in hexadecimal format. For example, print and 2001:db8::1 as c00000201 and 20010db8000000000000000000000001, respectively. Note: This setting does not apply to CIDR prefix values which are printed as decimal.


Make all IP address strings contain the same number of characters by padding numbers with leading zeros. For example, print and 2001:db8::1 as and 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001, respectively. For IPv6 addresses, this setting implies no-mixed, so that ::ffff: is printed as 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c000:0201. As of SiLK 3.17.0, may be combined with any of the above, including decimal and hexadecimal. As of SiLK 3.18.0, the values of CIDR prefix are also zero-padded.

The following arguments modify certain IP addresses prior to printing. These arguments may be combined with the above formats.


When the prefix map contains only IPv4 addresses, change all IPv4 addresses to IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses (addresses in the ::ffff:0:0/96 netblock) prior to formatting. Since SiLK 3.17.0.


When the prefix map contains IPv6 addresses, change any IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses (addresses in the ::ffff:0:0/96 netblock) to IPv4 addresses prior to formatting. Since SiLK 3.17.0.

The following argument is also available:


Set FORMAT to map-v4,no-mixed.


Print IP addresses as integers. This switch is equivalent to --ip-format=decimal, it is deprecated as of SiLK 3.7.0, and it will be removed in the SiLK 4.0 release


Print IP addresses as fully-expanded, zero-padded values in their canonical form. This switch is equivalent to --ip-format=zero-padded, it is deprecated as of SiLK 3.7.0, and it will be removed in the SiLK 4.0 release.


Turn off column titles. By default, titles are printed.


Disable fixed-width columnar output.


Use specified character between columns and after the final column. When this switch is not specified, the default of '|' is used.


Do not print the column separator after the final column. Normally a delimiter is printed.


Run as if --no-columns --no-final-delimiter --column-sep=C had been specified. That is, disable fixed-width columnar output; if character C is provided, it is used as the delimiter between columns instead of the default '|'.


Write the textual output to PATH, where PATH is a filename, a named pipe, the keyword stderr to write the output to the standard error, or the keyword stdout or - to write the output to the standard output (and bypass the paging program). If PATH names an existing file, rwpmapcat exits with an error unless the SILK_CLOBBER environment variable is set, in which case PATH is overwritten. If this switch is not given, the output is either sent to the pager or written to the standard output. Since SiLK 3.15.0.


When output is to a terminal, invoke the program PAGER_PROG to view the output one screen full at a time. This switch overrides the SILK_PAGER environment variable, which in turn overrides the PAGER variable. If the --output-path switch is given or if the value of the pager is determined to be the empty string, no paging is performed and all output is written to the terminal.


Print the available options and exit.


Print the version number and information about how SiLK was configured, then exit the application.


In the following examples, the dollar sign ($) represents the shell prompt. The text after the dollar sign represents the command line. Lines have been wrapped for improved readability, and the back slash (\) is used to indicate a wrapped line.

rwpmapbuild(1) creates the prefix map file sample.pmap from the textual input.

$ cat sample.txt
mode      ip
map-name  addrtype
label     0  non-routable
label     1  internal
label     2  external
default   external  non-routable  non-routable  non-routable  non-routable  non-routable  non-routable  non-routable  non-routable
$ rwpmapbuild --input-path=sample.txt --output-path=sample.txt

Invoking rwpmapcat with the name of the file as its only argument prints the range-to-label contents of the prefix map file, and the contents are printed as CIDR blocks if the file contains IP addresses.

$ rwpmapcat sample.pmap | head -10
           ipBlock|       label||non-routable||    external||    external||    external||    external||non-routable||    external||    external||    external|

Use the --no-cidr-blocks switch to print the range as a pair of IPs. The --map-file switch may be use to specify the name of the file.

$ rwpmapcat --map-file=sample.pmap --no-cidr-block
        startIP|          endIP|       label|||non-routable|||    external|||non-routable|||    external|||non-routable|||    external|||non-routable|||    external|||non-routable|||    external|||non-routable|||    external|||non-routable|||    external|||non-routable|

The --output-types switch determines what output is produced. Specifying an argument of label prints the labels that were specified when the file was built.

$ rwpmapcat --map-file=sample.pmap --output-types=label

Multiple types of output may be requested

$ rwpmapcat --map-file=sample.pmap --output-types=type,mapname
TYPE:  IPv4-address
MAPNAME:  addrtype

Sometimes the content of the prefix map more clear if you eliminate the ranges that were assigned to the default label. There are two ways to filter a label: either specify the label with the --ignore-label switch or find an IP address that has that label and specify the IP address to the --ip-label-to-ignore switch:

$ cat sample.pmap | rwpmapcat --ignore-label=external
           ipBlock|       label||non-routable||non-routable||non-routable||non-routable||non-routable||non-routable||non-routable||non-routable|

$ cat sample.pmap | rwpmapcat --ip-label-to-ignore= | head -7
           ipBlock|       label||    external||    external||    external||    external||    external||    external|

rwpmapcat also supports viewing the contents of prefix map files containing protocol/port pairs.

$ rwpmapcat proto.pmap
startPair|  endPair|                           label|
      6/0|      6/0|                             TCP|
      6/1|      6/1|                          tcpmux|
      6/2|      6/3|                     compressnet|
      6/4|      6/4|                             TCP|
      6/5|      6/5|                             rje|
      6/6|      6/6|                             TCP|
      6/7|      6/7|                            echo|
      6/8|      6/8|                             TCP|

As of SiLK 3.8.0, rwpmapcat supports printing the contents of the country code mapping file created by rwgeoip2ccmap(1) (for use in the country code plug-in ccfilter(3)) when the --country-codes switch is used.

$ rwpmapcat --no-cidr --country-codes=country_codes.pmap | head
        startIP|          endIP|label|||   --|||   gb|||   --|||   us|||   ca|||   us|||   ca|||   us|||   mx|



This environment variable is used as the value for --ip-format when that switch is not provided. Since SiLK 3.11.0.


When set to a non-empty string, rwpmapcat automatically invokes this program to display its output a screen at a time. If set to an empty string, rwpmapcat does not automatically page its output.


When set and SILK_PAGER is not set, rwpmapcat automatically invokes this program to display its output a screen at a time.


This environment variable allows the user to specify the country code mapping file to use when the --country-codes switch is specified without an argument. The variable's value may be a complete path or a file relative to SILK_PATH. See the "FILES" section for standard locations of this file.


This environment variable allows the user to specify the address type mapping file to use when the --address-types switch is specified without an argument. The variable's value may be a complete path or a file relative to the SILK_PATH. See the "FILES" section for standard locations of this file.


The SiLK tools normally refuse to overwrite existing files. Setting SILK_CLOBBER to a non-empty value removes this restriction.


This environment variable gives the root of the install tree. When searching for configuration files, rwpmapcat may use this environment variable. See the "FILES" section for details.



Possible locations for the country codes mapping file when the --country-codes switch is specified without an argument.


Possible locations for the address types mapping file when the --address-types switch is specified without an argument.


rwpmapbuild(1), rwgeoip2ccmap(1), addrtype(3), pmapfilter(3), ccfilter(3), rwfilter(1), rwcut(1), rwgroup(1), rwsort(1), rwstats(1), rwuniq(1), silk(7)


The --country-codes and --address-types switches were added in SiLK 3.8.0.