rwipaimport - Import SiLK IP collections into an IPA catalog


rwipaimport --catalog=CATALOG [--description=DESCRIPTION]
      [--start-time=START_TIME] [--end-time=END_TIME] INPUT_FILE

rwipaimport --help

rwipaimport --version


rwipaimport reads a SiLK IPset, Bag, or Prefix Map file and imports its contents into an IPA (IP Association, catalog. An IPA catalog is a collection of sets, bags, and prefix maps which can have an optional time period associated with them defining when that particular collection of data is considered valid.


Option names may be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique or is an exact match for an option. A parameter to an option may be specified as --arg=param or --arg param, though the first form is required for options that take optional parameters.


Specifies the name of the IPA catalog to import into. If the catalog does not already exist in the IPA data store, it will be created. This option is required.


An optional text description of the catalog's contents. This description will be stored in the database and will be visible when querying available catalogs with the ipaquery tool. The description will only be added to new catalogs; if you import a dataset into an existing catalog, this option is ignored.


Specifies the beginning of the time range for which the imported data is valid. The expected format of this option is either a timestamp in YYYY/MM/DD[:HH[:MM[:SS]]] format, or ... (three dots) to indicate the time range is left-unbounded. For more information about this argument, refer to the TIME RANGES section of ipaimport(1).


Specifies the end of the time range for which the imported data is valid. The expected format of this option is either a timestamp in YYYY/MM/DD[:HH[:MM[:SS]]] format, or ... (three dots) to indicate the time range is right-unbounded. For more information about this argument, refer to the TIME RANGES section of ipaimport(1).


Print the available options and exit.


Print the version number and information about how SiLK was configured, then exit the application.


In the following examples, the dollar sign ($) represents the shell prompt. The text after the dollar sign represents the command line. Lines have been wrapped for improved readability, and the back slash (\) is used to indicate a wrapped line.

To import the IPset file test-april.set into a new catalog with the name testset and a short description, with data valid for only the month of April, 2007:

$ rwipaimport --catalog=testset --desc="Test set catalog"      \
       --start=2007/04/01 --end=2007/05/01                     \

To import the Bag file test.bag into a new catalog named testbag with data valid for all dates and times (the ... literally means the characters ...):

$ rwipaimport --catalog=testbag --start=... --end=... test.bag



This environment variable gives the root of the directory tree where the tools are installed. When searching for the silk-ipa.conf configuration file, rwipaimport may use this environment variable. See the "FILES" section for details.



Possible locations for the IPA configuration file. This file contains the URI for connecting to the IPA database. If the configuration file does not exist, rwipaimport will exit with an error. The format of this URI is driver://user:pass-word@hostname/database. For example:



rwipaexport(1), ipafilter(3), silk(7), ipaimport(1), ipaexport(1), ipaquery(1)